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fire inspectors association of indiana

Code Library Creation

  • Thursday, July 09, 2020 08:41
    Reply # 9090360 on 9089406

    The OSFM used to have a in depth codes library at their office back when Mara Snyder and Beth Sutor where there.  I can only assume that it still exist.  As far as what I have is the following:  2006 IBC&IFC; 2000 IBC,IFC&IMC; 1997 UBC&UFC; 1996 IMC; 1991 UBC&UMC; 1988 UBC&UFC; 1985 UBC&UFC; 1981 IN. Mechanical Rules; 1980 IN. Construction Rules which includes Regulation 7(Fire Code); 1976 UBC which includes Regulation 7(Fire Code); 1973 UBC; 1970 UBC and 1944 ABC (Administrative Building Council of Indiana) Rules and Regulations; plus various new and old NFPA Standards commonly used in Indiana.

  • Thursday, July 09, 2020 08:04
    Reply # 9090315 on 9089406
    Ronald Lipps (Administrator)

    It would make sense for the state to have something like that; copyrights are obviously an issue for online publishing, but some sort of centralized library would be useful.

  • Wednesday, July 08, 2020 18:25
    Message # 9089406
    Greetings all, 

    I am writing in hopes of pooling our access to written codes and standard material throughout the State. As we all know Indiana lacks in publishing written code and standard material as well as remaining current on many codes and standards. 

    I am hoping to accomplish one (or more) of three goals:

    1. Create a list of who has what materials (the older/more obscure the better);

    2. Somehow make materials available upon request to members at the district meetings or by appointment;

    3. Ideally I would like to figure out a way to digitize all code material and make these codes available on this website, barring any copyright infringement or issues, however with the copyright issue and the time investment this would be a long term goal and may not be possible - at least not online.

    The need for access to this level of information is profound as the “sunset law” forces code officials to have access to a vast library of information in order to understand fire and building requirements from the time of construction. I have never seen a truly complete library in the northern half of the state and I am unsure of what would be available at other departments throughout the state. 

    I’m not sure if something like this has been undertaken in the past so I would like to gauge the level of interest in a project such as this before it gets started, and/or know if there exists a complete code library somewhere that could be accessed when needed. 

    Stay safe and thanks for your time. 

    Last modified: Wednesday, July 08, 2020 18:28 | Anonymous

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