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fire inspectors association of indiana

Food for thought. Any help??🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Wednesday, June 16, 2021 20:51
    Reply # 10651487 on 10644999
    Ronald “ Todd” Atherton (Administrator)

    Seems safe .

    If I came across that I would be met with it's been that way for years and no one has ever told me I couldn't do that, and who are you and what authority do you have to tell me how to run my business

  • Wednesday, June 16, 2021 10:10
    Reply # 10648664 on 10644999
    Ronald Lipps (Administrator)

    This was my top prize winner last week. 

    1 file
  • Tuesday, June 15, 2021 19:38
    Message # 10644999
    Ronald “ Todd” Atherton (Administrator)

    For the folks that love a good fire code violation. Here is a couple for you all to ponder a bit.

    Unfortunately, my county Has not adopted any fire codes and it isn't on the radar “ because we don't have a problem with violations here.”

    So it’s a real struggle to enforce the states code because I simply do not have the backing of County planning and zoning, but I'm out every day doing my best to keep those who pay my salary safe with what support and community involvement and understanding I can muster up.

    All in an afternoon today.

    You guys be safe out there.

    19 files

Mailing Address: 

Fire Inspectors Association of Indiana


17437 Carey Road

Westfield, IN 46074

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