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This session will cover provide an overview of the national opioid overdose crisis, it’s causes, conditions, and effective ways to combat it. Overdose prevention and resources available in Indiana will be presented and attendees will learn how to recognize and respond to an overdose. In addition attendees will learn about the resources for individuals, families and communities affected by the disease of addiction through Overdose Lifeline.
Chief Executive Officer at Overdose Lifeline, Inc.
Justin Phillips, MA, MA, Clinical Addictions Counseling, is the Founder and Executive Director of Overdose Lifeline, Inc. Overdose Lifeline, Inc. (ODL) is an Indianapolis-based nonprofit founded in 2014 dedicated to preventing opioid deaths and reducing the stigma of addiction. It’s quickly become a leading voice for Indiana families, individuals, and communities affected by addiction, acting efficiently and effectively with statewide programming and legislation. In an extremely short period of time, ODL has touched the lives of thousands.
ODL has rapidly amassed a long list of accomplishments via program development and grassroots efforts. ODL works non-stop to prevent prescription opioid misuse and heroin use and death across the state. They provide prevention tools/training and education, facilitate Naloxone distribution to first responders and the lay public, and provide treatment/recovery support.
Justin is a clinical addictions counselor, in addition to her experience in nonprofit management and grassroots advocacy. Justin’s advocacy efforts were realized with the enactment of Aaron’s Law in April of 2015. Aaron’s Law makes it legal for naloxone to be available in pharmacies across Indiana without a prescription. Overdose Lifeline has distributed over 12,000 naloxone overdose reversal kits to families and individuals. Overdose Lifeline has also developed a one of a kind prevention education program recently endorsed by the Indiana Department of Education, presented at the National Prescription Drug Symposium and utilized in numerous states across the US.
In 2016 Justin received the Fairbanks Circle of Hope Award, the Drug Free Marion County Parent Advocate of the Year Award, the Indiana Jefferson Award and was chosen as a 2016 White House Champion of Change for Advocacy, Prevention and Treatment. In 2017 Justin received the Indiana State Health Commissioner Award for Excellence in Public Health.