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fire inspectors association of indiana

Storage facility

  • Friday, June 09, 2023 14:13
    Reply # 13213242 on 13211577
    In another direction on storage facilities.  A question was asked by an operator of a facility if I knew of a tank seal that would not damage paint or the finish of a vehicle.   Any sources or ideas that you have come across?
  • Wednesday, June 07, 2023 17:00
    Reply # 13212229 on 13211577

    Hi thanks for the response.  That totally makes sense to the level of operation and allowing the owner of the property control through the rental agreement.   The gentlemen I met with yesterday operates a part-time mechanic shop.  Another operates a tow business from multiple units.  Other than the change of use storing fueled vehicles was my concern.  Thanks again

  • Wednesday, June 07, 2023 08:23
    Reply # 13211890 on 13211577

    Totally agree with Darrel on your issue.

  • Wednesday, June 07, 2023 07:25
    Reply # 13211865 on 13211577

    My first reaction is it depends what you mean by "operating a business".  If they are manufacturing items that would be considered a Factory occupancy, or selling items such that it would become a Mercantile occupancy, then yes, you have a change of use, and needs to be addressed as such.  If the activities they are doing is consistent with a warehouse and storage activities, it would not be a change of use.

    I would suggest the first course of action is to talk to the property owner and look at the lease agreements - often, the lease agreements for these types of facilities prohibit a lot of activities that may be happening.  Allow the property owner to enforce terms of the lease agreement, if applicable, before you start enforcing major actions.  Good luck!

  • Tuesday, June 06, 2023 16:18
    Message # 13211577

    Afternoon,  Just looking for advice, consensus, opinion of my fellow inspectors. Hoping to hear how others have handled similar situations.  In doing a inspection today at a multi-building storage facility I discovered businesses operating out of individual units, more than one business.  Would this compel the owner of the facility to apply for a change of use with the state or bring the building up to current building code?  How has anyone else handled this?

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Fire Inspectors Association of Indiana


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Westfield, IN 46074

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